Smart Test Lab

Maximize efficiency and accelerate product testing and development

Smart Test Lab For Camera Device Testing

Make Your Product Available to the Market Sooner

Problems: Testing Subjectivity and Inconsistent Results

Testing camera features requires an extensive amount of manual work and utilization of different tools. Consequently, test results are based on human observation and can vary significantly depending on the individual tester. Inherent testing subjectivity can lead to unreliability, unnecessary production delays, and increasing costs.

Solutions: Automated Testing with Precise Results

Sofica’s innovative robotized testing platform IQLaR, Image Quality Labortory automation and Robotics, has revolutionized camera testing by enhancing objectivity, maximizing efficiency, and accelerating testing of products in development. In short, IQLaR offers greater quality, consistency, and reliability for your products.

IQLaR’s automated testing system provides optimal functions that are beyond any manual approach. First, the robotized system increases the load capacity and the speed of the essential and mandatory camera tests. It also improves the accuracy of the testing process, which will inevitably provide précises results that are comparable to previous ones. In other words, you will be able to rapidly perform a much greater number of tests in a much shorter time while obtaining explicit rests with minimal error. IQLaR also makes it possible for you to repeat identical tests and then systematically compare them with past results.

Early Problem Detection

With our fast, accurate, and easy-to-run IQLaR, a considerable advantage is provided to you to identify potential problems and defects early on in the development stage of your products. Early problem detection allows quick reaction and correction and ensures a substantial-quality, robustness, and reliability of your products.


Standardized Image Quality Testing

IQLaR is currently integrated with Image Engineering IQ-Analyzer X software and tests charts, which is well-known image quality analysis tool in the industry. Image Engineering alignment with industry standards provides comparable metrics in order to evaluate camera system image quality. We are also supporting Imatest and can customize different analyzing software and charts on demand.


Maximize Usability of Lab

24/7 lab access available with remote access

Reduce Manual Work During Product Development

Allow engineers to focus on their main task, increasing camera quality, instead of wasting time on manual

Increase Repeatability

Standardize every test with robotics and automation

Decrease Possibilities of Errors

Minimize human errors with our robotized system

Remote Access

Control your testing lab anywhere anytime


Offer possibilities to benchmark against top competitor devices with automated system

Sofica Test Automation Tools

Smart Lab Engine

Provide solutions with Smart Lab server software

Continuous Integration

Perform testing in the laboratory independently 24/7


Move camera against targets utilizing 6-axis stepper-driven robot arm

Customize Test Workflows

Build and modify test runs according to your needs using Sofica Dashboard

Dynamic Alignment

Automatically adjust camera-to-chart distance and alignment

Multi-device Support

Switch devices automatically by the robot without the need for human interaction

Chart Selector

Alter test targets automatically

Automatic Lighting Control and Monitor

Control illumination and color temperature levels of the lights according to test specification
Measure light illumination level and uniformity automatically during test run

Key Features

Control & Execute Tests
Support for Different Types of Cameras

Cameras for automotive, smartphones, surveillances etc…

Monitor & Review

Monitor test execution and review test results

Collect specific logging information of devices from DUT during test run

Capture Images then Download & Analyze Automatically

Command the device to capture images and download automatically
Analyze images with computational algorithms, e.g. Sofica, Imatest IT, IE Analyzer or other 3rd party software

Modular, Plug-in Based and Transparent Architecture

Possibility to integrate any additional equipment or software into the system
Support other analyzing software from other vendors
Support test charts, lights and other equipment from other vendors


Store all test results in the database

Control via API

Possibility to control the system from your current testing system via Smart Lab API

Watch Smart Test Lab in Action

Watch Chart Selector Video